我们是apa认证的大学咨询实习网站,位于北加州一个美丽的校园. 我们致力于在该领域培养有能力和多才多艺的专业人士,并致力于提供能够促进人际关系深度发展的经验, and enhanced clinical ability within a multicultural framework. 你在我们的实习经历将侧重于以各种方式与不同的大学适龄人群一起工作,目的是帮助你成为一个自信的人, competent and culturally sensitive clinician.

To prepare doctoral psychology interns to become competent, 多才多艺的, and culturally aware Health Service Psychologists who eng年龄 in, and help others attain, 在他们的职业生涯和社区中取得持久的成就和负责任的领导.

  1. 我们特别强调多样性和包容性的培训和监督,这直接适用于我们多样化的学生选择(包括但不限于种族), 性别, sexual orientation, 性别 orientation).
  2. 我们提供与大学咨询职业所需的多方面角色相关的动态培训.
  3. 我们非常注重咨询和拓展技能,并提供许多与学生一起工作的机会, 父母, 教师, and campus partners.
  4. 我们有一个完善的团体治疗计划,将为您提供强大的教学培训和所有类型的团体治疗经验(如.e., general process groups, support groups, and psychoeducational groups).
  5. We provide a supportive, 开放, and understanding work environment, 我们有一个真正的门户开放政策,我们的工作人员每天都可以为我们的博士生提供帮助

  • 分诊、单次治疗和持续的心理治疗(团体、个人和夫妻).
  • Emergency and crisis services.
  • Brief assessment of alcohol and substance abuse on a college campus; ongoing outcome assessment through the use of the CCAPS; and one strength based assessment battery used to supplement therapeutic services.
  • 外展, preventative programming, and consultation services for students, 教员/员工, 和父母.

我们致力于促进卓越和能力与心理技能水平, 并努力在人文和多元文化的框架内提供允许人际关系深度和增强临床能力的经验. 实习一年是进一步发展实习生可能感兴趣的领域的机会, 培训模式鼓励和支持对这些领域的关注和重视. The internship program includes a clinical caseload, individual supervision, training supervision, psychological assessment, 外展, and consultation.

For detailed information, see our Internship Training Manual for the 2023 Match Year.

Please see our updated (10.01.2023) Telesupervision Policy.

我们是apa认证的博士实习项目(APPIC会员#127211). We seek high-energy individuals who are 开放 to learning, able to balance multiple roles and responsibilities, receptive to feedback, 并且有动力去发展一名健康服务心理学家应有的广泛技能. 

为了被考虑参加我们的培训计划,申请必须由 November 21 at 11:59 p.m. 美国东部时间 每年. 如果你预计由于意外的生活博彩平台网址大全排名在截止日期前有困难, 请联系 pwrona@thebigkahunaspokane.com.

Qualifications of Applicants

To be eligible for internship at CAPS, 申请人必须在apa认可的咨询或临床心理学博士课程中注册,并应提供他们的AAPI文件,证明他们在实习阶段有专业经验,这与CAPS的培训目标和目的是一致的. Beyond this, we also require the following qualifications:

  1. A minimum of 450 hours of direct face-to-face clinical contact.
  2. 所有攻读博士学位的课程必须在实习开始前完成.
  3. 综合考试或同等考试必须在申请截止日期前完成.
  4. 美国公民或通过其他组织赞助的国际学生.
  5. 在申请截止日期前成功提交论文.
  6. 实习准备证明由候选人的学术课程是必需的.
  7. 与大学适龄人群打交道的经验(不一定是大学).
  8. Be in accordance with 所有由人力资源部公布的大学政策. Please note that we are a drug-free workplace.  有关任何策略内容或策略如何适用于您的情况的更多信息, 请联系 the Department of Human Resources.

注:博彩平台网址大全是一个平权行动和平等机会雇主(AA/EOE),致力于劳动力多样性. In compliance with applicable law and its own policy, 太平洋致力于招聘和留住多元化的教职员工,在聘用教职员工时不存在歧视, 或者在为教职员工提供基于种族的就业福利方面, color, 宗教, national origin, 祖先, 年龄, genetic information, 性/性别, 婚姻状况, 资深地位, sexual orientation, medical condition, 怀孕, 性别 identity, 性别 expression or mental or physical disability. 如果您对AA/EOE有任何疑问,请致电209与我们的人力资源部联系.946.2124.

Applications are due 每年 on 11月21日 in order to be considered for our training program. In order to be considered you must:

  • Submit a completed AAPI through APPIC and NMS.
  • 用你的求职信和论文来讨论你如何很好地适应博彩平台网址大全CAPS的实习项目, and to help us better understand what your goals are for internship. 
  • Your references should reflect your most recent work, 你的三个推荐信中至少有两个应该来自熟悉你临床工作的有执照的心理学家.

这个实习场所同意遵守APPIC的政策,没有人在这个培训设施将招揽, 接受, or use any ranking-related information from any intern applicant.

I look forward to reading your materials and getting to know you. If you have any questions or you would like additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me either by phone or email:

Pamela Wrona, Psy.D. 25798
Training Director | Associate Director
咨询 and Psychological 服务 (CAPS)

The internship at University of Pacific, 咨询 and Psychological 服务 provides a full-time, 一年, paid internship.This internship is a 12-month commitment. The internship year begins August 1 and ends July 31. 实习生通常会把假期预留到7月的最后两周.

Interns are scheduled 40 hours a week from 8am-5pm. However due to the nature of college counseling and university work, 有时候,你可能需要比传统的每周工作40小时更多的时间,或者参加课外活动,比如拓展项目和危机干预. This time will count in your total SPE for the year. Interns are expected to acquire a minimum of 1,850 hours in order to successfully complete the internship, 然而,许多实习生选择加班,使实习总数达到2小时,000.

Direct questions to the Commission on Accreditation:
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychology Association
750 1st St, NE, Washington, DC 20002
(202) 336-5979